Track Practice Update 10-27-12
In light of the pending storm, Hurricane Sandy, we have elected to cancel tomorrow’s track practice. The chance of rain tomorrow is predicted at 20%-30% during the morning hours, however, most of us will be busy making preparations to secure ourselves in the event of the storm living up to its potential breadth and impact.
There will not be a practice session on Wednesday October 31st because of Halloween and no practice on Sunday November 4th because of the NYC Marathon.
Lydia and I will be running the marathon and a small group will be assembling in the lobby of 453 FDR Drive and will proceed to the Brooklyn side of the Williamsburg Bridge to cheer us on. If you are interested in being one of our cheerleaders, please let us know so that we can send you the details.
Please be safe and let’s hope the storm does not live up to its potential.